Brazil Counsel

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Three Steps to Forming a Company in Brazil

There’s no doubt that forming a company in Brazil is a bureaucratic process. Particularly for foreigners, getting the numerous documents in order can be a time-consuming pain in the butt. Yet despite these challenges, the process actually boils down to just three simple steps.

Get a Tax ID

A foreign individual or entity that wants to form a company in Brazil must get a CPF or CNPJ from the federal tax authority (Receita Federal). Notarization, apostille, and translation of personal documents will be required.

Prepare and File the Contrato Social

While waiting for the CPF or CNPJ, have your attorney draft the Articles or Contrato Social. This document must include the company’s activity, address, capital, management, members, and name. Remember, all Brazilian entities must have an administrator, and foreigners must appoint a legal representative who is a resident in Brazil.

Once ready, the Contrato Social must be filed with Trade Board to bring your Brazilian entity to life. There is a Trade Board in each state, and its official name is the Junta Comercial. For example, in São Paulo you’ll see JUCESP.

Get the CNPJ

When your Brazilian company is registered, it’s time to get the CNPJ. This is similar to a US EIN. The entire process can be easily completed online.

There may be other procedures required as well to get your company up and running. For example, other filings with government agencies are necessary for certain company activities. But following these three steps will at least get you on your way.