Good Things Come to Those Who Wait

If you’re planning to get married in Brazil, you’ll have to wait. Literally. And this time we’re not talking about delays caused by Covid-19 or government bureaucracy. In this case, it’s the law.

For $77, you can get your marriage license in Nevada. No waiting period; no blood test; and no citizenship requirement. You can even complete the marriage license application online. All you need is a single form of ID, such as a birth certificate, drivers license or passport.

Brazil, on the other hand, isn’t so easy. It also isn’t so fast.

First, you’ll need to provide a handful of documents, a list of which are available at the notary office (Cartório de Registro Civil) where you intend to get married. Next, you’ll need to register your intent to get married by completing the Formulário de Solicitação. This process is known as pedido de habilitação do casamento.

Then comes the wait. Brazil has a waiting period of approximately 30 days between the time you file your intent to get married and when you get your authorization to get married. That authorization is then valid for 3 months.

Why the waiting period? It’s to ensure the notary office has sufficient time to review your documents, including proof that neither party is already married. After 3 months, the notary will need to run these checks again.

If you intend to get married in Brazil, just make sure you give yourself enough time. After all, it’s nothing like getting married in Vegas.

FamilyGreg Barnett