File Your Police Report Online

Bad things happen, unfortunately. And depending on the severity of the situation, you may need to notify law enforcement. In Brazil, police reports are called Boletim de Ocorrência or “BO” for short.

Years ago, you’d spend hours waiting at the police station to get a BO. No matter whether the case was severe or not, any report had to be done in person.

The good news is that today a Boletim de Ocorrência can be registered online with most Brazilian state police departments. There are a few requirements, however. You must be at least 18 years old, have a valid ID, and include contact information such as your address, telephone number, and e-mail.

The events that can be reported online vary among states, but misdemeanors are generally accepted. For example, you can use the online BO to report a stolen cell phone. Reports about car accidents without victims and missing persons can also be filed through this service.

In contrast, when a case is more serious, such as a murder or rape, the police report must still be filed in person at the police station.

Both online and in person reports demand careful attention to detail. You should ensure that all questions are filled out correctly and that a complete and accurate description of the facts is given.

Finally, it’s important to remember that the police will only start an investigation after a crime or misdemeanor is reported. So don’t delay your report if you want justice served.

GeneralGreg Barnett