Can Foreigners Buy Property in Brazil?

Yes! Foreigners may buy property in Brazil. But like any law, there are always exceptions. Here is a summary of what you can and cannot do.

First, a visa isn’t required for real estate purchases. What foreign individuals or companies do need, however, is a taxpayer ID number - CPF for individuals and CNPJ for companies. Questions about taxpayer ID numbers in Brazil? Read our article here.

Although a visa isn’t required to acquire real estate, buying a house or condo may help you get a resident visa if you want one. In October 2018, the Brazilian National Immigration Council passed a resolution to grant visas to those who invest BRL$1,000,000 in real estate in the country (with discounts for investments in certain regions).

So it’s no secret that foreigners can purchase real estate in Brazil, but what about that gorgeous beach house or that productive coffee farm? Well, not so fast. There are some restrictions placed on foreigners.

For example, there’s a rule that prohibits foreigners from buying land within 100 meters from the coast. But don’t worry - like most rules, there are exceptions. Foreigners can own beachfront property if it’s a unit inside a condominium.

There are also restrictions on owning rural property. For example, the size of the land can’t exceed 150 hectares and 25% of the municipality’s total area. And a foreigner cannot be the sole owner or majority partner of a Brazilian entity to get around the law.

So now that you know the basics, it’s time to start looking for that perfect property.

Want to make sure you’re getting clean title to a property you’re buying in Brazil? Protect yourself with our Real Estate Due Diligence Package.

Real EstateGreg Barnett