Brazilian City Enacts Law Written By ChatGPT

Remember when a Brazilian judge used ChatGPT to write a court decision? Well, that didn’t go so well. The decision cited jurisprudence that was completely made up. Yet now, it seems lawmakers in Brazil are also experimenting with AI.

A law that was unanimously passed by the Brazilian city of Porto Alegre turns out to have been written entirely by ChatGPT. The revelation came when the councilman who presented the law to the 36-member city counsel disclosed having used ChatGPT to write it.

According to the Washington Post, here’s the 45-word prompt that led to the new law: “Create a municipal law for the city of Porto Alegre, originating from the legislature and not the executive, which prohibits the Municipal Water and Sewage Department from charging the owner of the property for the payment of a new water meter when it is stolen.”

The disclosure has sparked an intense debate in Brazil about the use of AI in legislative processes. What’s the harm if the end result is a well-written law that addresses the issue, is reviewed and debated by lawmakers, and then approved? Perhaps none. But the thought of a bot writing new laws that’ll govern society is understandably a bit concerning.

The incident is not just a local curiosity but a reflection of a global trend where AI is increasingly intersecting with various professional fields. As technology advances, its role in governance and lawmaking is bound to expand, raising critical questions about the future of areas traditionally managed by human expertise.

GeneralGreg Barnett